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Supporting the World's Best Teachers

Statement of Anti-Racism 


At EducateSTL, we believe the following whole-heartedly and without compromise or hesitation.


Black Lives Matter


Racism is deeply ingrained in every corner of American Society and while we may not have been responsible for its roots we are damn well responsible for dismantling it.


We must reflect on the direct and indirect ways we all sustain this system.


We will have tough conversations based in love and compassion but also (at times) mixed with frustration and even anger until we get it right.


We will conduct our research and build our programs, regardless of educational topic, with questions about our integration of these values.  We will review our progress and adjust accordingly to ensure we're a little less wrong today than we were yesterday.


...knowing that our region will never reach its full potential until we accomplish these goals together.

What We Do

EducateSTL is in the business of teaching excellence. The work we do is aimed at identifying great teachers and supporting their work through content and highly personalized professional development.

Teacher Stories

EducateSTL seeks to share valuable lessons and insights from the people making the biggest difference for our kids-YOU!

The Teachers of STL Instargram and the Rotten Apples Podcast and Blog aim to share the best ideas and practices from teachers and other educators in the region. 


Listen to all episodes here or on your favorite podcast directory.


It is participant driven, so join the blog community and share your topic ideas!

Podcast Image.png

Professional Development

Looking for a personalized and meaningful learning opportunity?  Our events are centered on you as an educator and are designed on one simple premise:

You're the professional and we're here just to be sure you have everything you need.  

Current Opportunities include:

The Innovative Teacher

The Results-Oriented Teacher

The Balanced Teacher

Clapping Audience

Teaching Awards

At EducateSTL, we believe in recognizing excellence in teaching and spreading it throughout the region.  Our award system is completely reliant on self-nominations.  No favoritism, no politics. Share your work through a screencast or flyer in the categories where you excel and you'll be considered for that award cycle.


Click here for current opportunities

Join the Team

We will soon be accepting applications for interns.  Come back soon for more information!

Similing Team

Contact EducateSTL

Get in touch with EducateSTL to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

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