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The Innovative Teacher

Genius Hour has been an exciting trend in schools for several years now and there's no shortage of workshops to teach this strategy.  But how many teachers have participated in this as a student?  We believe the best way to lead students through passion projects is to experience one ourselves. ready to put your money where your mouth is?


The Innovative Teacher program reconnects teachers to the frightened new learner most of us left behind years ago.  Through a combination of face to face sessions and online progress sharing, participants learn the nuances of genius hour/20% time projects first-hand by exploring a project of their own.  Participants experience what their students will learn on a visceral level.


This program is conducted in both community and school-based teams of 4-6 participants (meaning you can get a team from your building or just join one on your own).  Topics include:


  • The research behind this approach in schools

  • Design Thinking

  • 21st century school/business partnership strategy

  • Reconnecting as a learner

  • Designing and implementing Genius Hour projects


On a more personal level, this workshop can help you..


  • Eliminate the curse of expertise (what happens when an expert can no longer remember what it felt like to be a beginner)

  • Emotionally connect to the student experience and offer insight or advice that is authentic

  • Re-connect you to the ways you learn best or expose you to new ones


Program includes two face to face workshops, online follow-up work and individual project consults for each team member.  Cost to each participant is $75.  


Summer 2020 Dates (St. Louis Public Library Mid-County)


Wednesday, June 17 (2-5pm)

Wednesday July 15 (2-5pm)


*Are you a Lindenwood student who has taken Innovation Mindset? Let us know in your registration!  You may be able to attend for FREE as a group mentor If you bring at least three colleagues (or if we have a team of three we can assign you to)



To get more information, email Amy here.

Woman with Paper Mask
Woman with Paper Mask

This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate.

More Info >

Due to the current pandemic, this project or service is on hold until we can assess regional needs and ability. Check back soon for updates


Stay healthy and care for one another!


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