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Due to the current pandemic, this project or service is on hold until we can assess regional needs and ability. Check back soon for updates


Stay healthy and care for one another!

fringe topics

...the Best of the 'Net According to EducateSTL


Welcome to Fringe Topics, an digital collection of articles, podcasts, and videos that could potentially have an impact on St. Louis area schools.  Pieces are selected for timeliness and/or quality of information.  A few things you will NOT find:


  • Viral Stories (you've probably already seen those)

  • Unsubstantiated stories (should go without saying that if stories can’t be supported by valid information or research using current best practices in journalism, they have no place here)

  • Reactive Pieces (this is meant to be proactive)

  • Education-themed content (we're looking at trends in other industries that may impact us)

  • Paid content (while some paid news outlets are wonderful, we won't include anything that requires a subscription)


Interested?  Sign up here and you'll be included in our next mailing!  Archived collections can be found below!



2020 Archive



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